GoneCaving Goes Cycling

Blogging my progress towards an attempt at the Tour Divide

  • Genesis of an idea

    Genesis of an idea

    It would seem like the obvious first post to this blog should explain the back story to this adventure, and we can start with the name. I’ve gone by the internet handle of GoneCaving for a very long time. Caving is a core part of my identity, and when trying to come up with a… Continue reading

  • Scratched

    It’s been a bit of an odd day. I had some tough decisions to make. The body wasn’t in great shape and the head wasn’t a whole lot better. Rest, food and various chats with friends have filled my day. In the end I’ve decided to drop out of the race. The long hard days… Continue reading

  • TD Day 7

    A zero, and possibly the end of my race…. Continue reading

  • TD Day 6

    What a difference a day makes! Or maybe more accurately a day with the nice folks in Ovando and the World Famous Lost Llama Ranch! Or all that and good weather. Whatever the reason, I felt back on track today and managed the 160km to Helena. It was a long day, but pleasant riding, and… Continue reading

  • TD Days 4&5

    A good start from Whitefish with a breakfast at Loula’s cafe then back on track. The morning started fine, and I stopped briefly at Columbia Falls for some re supplies. Then came the rain. I stopped briefly at a cafe near Echo Lake, but avoided the cafe with the same name as it looked busy… Continue reading

  • TD 1-3

    Time for an update. Day 1 was pretty good. Nice sunny weather and I made good time. The High Rockies singletrack was lovely and would be a fab ride on an unladen mountain bike. We spotted some bears on the run down towards Elkford, a mama and two cubs cross the track some 500m in… Continue reading

  • TD-1

    It’s late and I need sleep, so this will be short! A rest day today, and a little time picking up the last few essentials. I also met up with a bunch of the UK riders for dinner. The highlight of the day was the briefing by TD “cheerleader” Crazy Larry. This was a strange… Continue reading

  • TD-2

    Feeling much refreshed after a decent nights sleep, the plan for today was to ride some of the Goat Creek trail that starts the Tour Divide route. We’d planned to ride with one of the Scottish riders, and set off from the YWCA in Banff at around 10am. Bumping into a few more riders at… Continue reading

  • Canmore to Banff

    I lobbied for the easy option after the headwinds of yesterday. I think I’m still feeling the effects of the flight/jet lag and lack of good sleep. So it was the direct route cycle path to Banff. We also had a bike shop and cake shop stops to fit in (whoever says you can’t have… Continue reading

  • Calgary to Canmore

    Today Les Brown & I left Calgary and cycled to Canmore (the next town over from Banff). Many TD riders take a shuttle, but since we had the time, we figured it would be another good test that everything on the bikes was as it should be (Les had done the same in advance of… Continue reading

  • Days in Cowtown Pt2

    With the bikes built it was time for another shakedown ride! My friend and I found a nice route S along the Bow River, nearly all on bike paths, and so very scenic. Down one side of the river and back N along the other side. The trail was busy with walkers, runners and cyclists,… Continue reading

About Me

I am a caver, cyclist, electronic music nerd, home brewer. I’m also recently retired, and embarking on my next big adventure, an attempt to race the Tour Divide.


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