GoneCaving Goes Cycling

Blogging my progress towards an attempt at the Tour Divide


It’s been a bit of an odd day. I had some tough decisions to make. The body wasn’t in great shape and the head wasn’t a whole lot better. Rest, food and various chats with friends have filled my day.

In the end I’ve decided to drop out of the race. The long hard days in the saddle, the terrain and the cold wet weather have ground me down, and I’m not willing to push on. I have considered touring but right now that’s not too appealing.

I need some time to reflect on the race, and my mental and physical preparation for it. It was significantly harder than I’d expected in some ways, and about what I’d expected in others. I may share the post-mortem thoughts at some point, but for now, the adventure comes to its end.

3 responses to “Scratched”

  1. Pat McCormick Avatar
    Pat McCormick

    Duncan, that decision took courage most of us don’t have. Congratulations and my admiration for having made it this far in the face of such horrendous conditions.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Kevin Cunniffe Avatar
    Kevin Cunniffe

    So sorry to hear this. I understand your feelings when things do not go as planned. In words of The Cardigan’s you’Live and Learn’. Enjoy the rest of your stay stateside.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. An absolutely inspiring effort, well done.


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About Me

I am a caver, cyclist, electronic music nerd, home brewer. I’m also recently retired, and embarking on my next big adventure, an attempt to race the Tour Divide.


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